Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cinnamon, the Lesser Babka? I think Not!

"Cinnamon takes a back seat to no babka. People love cinnamon. It should be on tables at restaurants along with salt and pepper. Anytime anyone says, "Oh This is so good. What's in it?" The answer invariably comes back, "Cinnamon". "Cinnamon". Again and again. Lesser babka - I think not." (Jerry Seinfeld from the "Dinner Party" episode of the eponymous show, which aired February 3, 1994.)

I have to agree with Jerry on this one although this LOOKS like lesser babka, that's mostly due to my photography skills. I made my first babka (a decadent, dark chocolate one) back in December and I froze half of the dough to experiment with Chocolate's Seinfeldian rival.

I found an appetizing-looking cinnamon filling from this Cinnamon babka recipe at Epicurious and got to work. Thing is as usual, I improvised. I figured a whole cup of white flour in a cinnamon filling would make it too cakey and not filling-y enough. I was wrong. You should follow this recipe to the letter and I'm sure it will come out better ("better", here meaning less runny and drippy all over the oven floor, and so smokey and fumey and...) Music to let your cinnamon babka filling run out all over the oven floor by: "Running Out" by Juliana Hatfield. Remember her? The Blake Babies? Thet early '90s famous romance with the sexy Evan Dando? No?


  1. I love Juliana Hatfield! And cinnamon :). You're right--whenever I make cookies with cinnamon, everyone asks, "what's in this?" I think the babka looks sensational :)!

  2. Anonymous1:12 AM

    I like the description above, so I'll repeat it: Sensational!

    Paz ;-)

  3. Yum. Suddenly I'm very hungry.

  4. hi Jackie, Have you seen Juliana recently? I guess the you tube clip was pretty recent. I hadn't heard anything from here in years.

    Hi Paz, Thank, you're too kind.

    Hi Maddy, I'm hungry too...

  5. I'm drooling. This "lesser" babka looks wonderful!

  6. I remember that episode, and I remember Julian Hatfield, and sexy Evan Dando. This post should be titled, "The Amazing Time-Traveling Babka." It looks wonderful.
