Friday, November 11, 2005

Cocina Hispana

Here you will find dishes from Spanish-speaking countries on both sides of the Atlantic.

  1. Arroz Gratinado (Mexican)

  2. Bacalao a la Vizcaina (from the Basque Country)

  3. Basque Red Bean, Chorizo and Borage Stew

  4. Black Bean Chili With Adobo de Ancho (Texan)

  5. Carnitas (Mexican)

  6. Dark-Meat Chicken With Mushrooms and Poblano Crema (Mexican)

  7. Gazpacho Andaluz

  8. Gazpacho Blanco (Málaga, Spain)

  9. Leftover Turkey Mole(Mexican)

  10. Quince Paste With Ginger, Cinnamon and Allspice, a,k,a, Membrillo (Spanish and Argentinian)

  11. Poblano-Spinach Soup (Mexican)

  12. Roasted Poblano Soup (Mexican)

  13. Salsa Verde (Mexican)

  14. Tequila-Drunken Pinto Beans with Cilantro and Bacon (Norteno Mexican)

  15. Tortilla de Patatas (Spanish)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

waiting for the spanish tortilla.....

6:59 PM  
Blogger Susan in Italy said...

Hi Paul, I know that's you...

12:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Basic Spanish Tortilla

Ingredients: I kilo potatoes 4-5 eggs 3 Tbs. chopped onion ( optional ) half tsp. salt. 50 ml. Olive oil

Either dice or slice the peeled potatoes. Heat the oil until very hot then add the potatoes and onions, if desired. Stir to completly cover in oil and seal them. Reduce heat slightly and continue stirring and cooking, without browning, for about 15 minutes. Using the edge of a metal spatula keep cutting into the potatoes, dicing them whilst they cook. When quite tender drain off the oil into a heat proof dish and put the potatoes in a bowl.Beat the eggs and salt together well, then stir into the potatoes and mix well.

Return the oil to the pan and reheat.Pour in the egg and potato mixture, let it set on the bottom then turn down the heat and cook slowly so it doesn't brown too fast. Run your spatula around the edge of the pan to stop it sticking and shake the pan frequently to keep it loose. When the bottom is cooked place a plate over the frying pan and turn your Spanish tortilla onto it, then return to the pan, uncooked side down and continue cooking for a further 5 minutes or so. Serves 2 as a main dish or 4-6 as an appetizer or first course.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spanish Malaga

Hi, I´d like to introduce you to my blog. Pop up as often as you feel like.

Spanish Malaga

6:09 PM  

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