
On the left, you see some odds and ends of my homemade bread. It comes from a culture I started about 2 years ago and that now lives in my fridge. On the right, ingredients for "Taramasalata" a dip made from carp roe "caviar" (yummy!), lots of stale bread (getting even better, no?), extra virgin olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. I promise this is not just not-as-bad-as-it-sounds; it's actually delicious. *****IMBB #25, Derrick of "An Obsession With Food" has asked us to give our ideas for recipes using up stale bread. I'm happy to share this one and even happier to see all the creative ideas other bloggers have come up with.
Last Sunday, we had yet another smaller Easter celebration and made a Greek dinner for some friends. One favorite menu item was Taramasalata. Making taramasalata is somewhat similar to making mayonnaise in that you seek to achieve an emulsion with oil and lemon juice. Here, though you will alternate adding oil then lemon juice and oil again. Each time you add oil and stir, you will thicken the mixture and when you add lemon juice, you’ll thin it out. The best type of bread to use is a sturdy, several-days-old, semolina loaf. You don’t want any bread that turns to paste when wet. Here's the dish:
4 ozs very dry white bread, crusts removed
juice of 2 lemons
1 ½ cups extra virgin olive oil
1 jar (10 oz) of tarama (carp roe) **Found at Greek grocery stores.
Soak the bread in cold water for 10 minutes, then cut off the crusts (much easier after the bread has soaked) and squeeze out as much water as you can. Place the bread in a very large, wooden mortar & pestle (a Goudi, pronounced goo-THEE)(see upper right-hand photo) along with the tarama.
**DISCLAIMERS: You may have noticed in the ingredients photo that I do not actually have tarama. It seems that Italy, a close neighbor of Greece doesn't import the stuff. I typically buy it in Chicago or Minneapolis and re-import it back across the sea to Italy whenever I get the chance.

Tagged with: IMBB25
This does sound tasty and the best part about it is that it uses up stale bread. I'm all for frugality because bread is one item that I just hate to waste. Let's see...I've made croutons, bread crumbs, bread stuffing, french toaste, why not some of this too!
Hi Rowena,
Maybe you should write up a recipe for one of those things and send it to "Is My Blog Burning?". What do you put in bread stuffing other than bread?
"Istambul" was the last straw...we couldn't resist making you a silly little present at surfeit of lampreys
Evelyn! That's so great! "Smokin' Banana Peels"... And the Ice Cream Man song has to be one of my favorites. I love it! Now I really gotta figure out how to listen to MP3s. Keep rocking out with your musical selections of the week. I'll get there eventually.
Yum! I'm hungry now. That stuff looks amazing. Really I swear we will one day start making more things from scratch!
they might be giants is one of my all-time favorites. good choice, susan!
Very cool recipe!
Hi Expat, If you decide to do this recipe from scratch, USE A FOOD PROCESSOR it's really hard to get it to come out right otherwise. I can't do it, only Gabriel can.
Hello Melissa, TMBG is a lot of fun! I saw them once in college. So dorky and yet so punk.
Hi Paz, Thanks, I dig the new pics of NYC!
i have an idea!! BREADCRUMBS. becha never thought of that huh?
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