Sunday, November 06, 2005

Italian Springtime Recipes

  1. Balsamic-Wild Strawberry Preserves

  2. Frittata degli Spaghetti

  3. Pasta With Fresh Favas and Sun-Dried Tomatoes

  4. Polenta With Asparagus, Prosciutto and Ramps

  5. Strawberries & Balsamic Vinegar

  6. Trota al Cartoccio (Trout in a Bag)

  7. Whitefish Risotto With Saffron and Fresh Spring Chives


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Susan, I'm looking for good ideas to serve for a Carnival dinner with an Italian theme, any ideas for a main course?

2:27 AM  

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