Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mamuang Kao (Mangoes and Coconut Sticky Rice), well without the *mango…

What to do when a recipe (like yesterday’s) calls for 1 cup coconut milk and you have half the can left over? Make Thai Coconut Sticky rice! This is one of a handful of magic recipes that despite the simplicity and few ingredients turns out stunningly delicious. (the others are: Potage Parmentier, Aigo Bouido and Patatas a la Riojana.) Coconut sticky rice has rice, coconut milk, sugar and salt. That’s absolutely the fewest ingredients I’ve ever seen in a Thai dish.

*ITALIAN MANGO DISCLAIMER: Italy is absolutely NOT a mango country. I’ve heard people coming from India who live in the U.S. complain about the quality of the mangoes there and they probably have a point but I tell you, mangoes here go from rock hard to brown and rotten without any ripe, delicious period in between. So this dish is much better off without mangoes from Italy. I've entered this recipe in the "Jihva for Mangoes" event.
Here’s the dish:

1 ½ cups cooked Thai sticky rice or sweet rice (or even Arborio in a pinch, I won’t tell)
1 cup coconut milk
½ cup granulated sugar or palm sugar
½ teaspoon salt

In a small sauce pan, boil the coconut milk with the sugar and salt until dissolved. Music to boil coconut milk by: Kid Creole and the Coconuts! Who else? Pour over the rice that is cooked and still warm. Let stand for at least half an hour. Serve at room temperature or chilled. (If you have good or even passable mangoes, add them on the side in slices.)


Blogger Lotus Reads said...

Pity about the mangoes. I would die if I couldn't taste those succulent Alphonso mangoes from Goa (they should start hitting the Indian stores in May). Wish I could send you a box or two, Susan! You've got to eat them so you can lick the juice off your arms and elbows when you're done! ;)

I love sticky rice, but have never attempted to make it. I will now.

My family and I ate at a Thai restaurant called, "Jasmine Rice", last night. I had cashew chicken and while it was nice, it was a little bland for my palate.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Lotus Reads said...

Did I actually suggest licking one's elbows? :))) Time for more coffee -obviously! ;)

2:50 PM  
Blogger Susan in Italy said...

No, Lotus, what do you mean? Eating a mango pit out of hand, sucking the pit, chewing on the pulp that you couldn't cut off into neat chunks inevitably leads to juice running down your arms and if you're not quick enough, dripping off your elbows. You were right on about that. But I clearly don't do this with company. In fact cutting mangoes with company makes me feel a sense of longing as I dump the un-savored pits into the trash. So sad.

I hear you about the at times blandness of "ethnic" restaurants in other countries. Indian and Thai places in Italy often serve very mild curries because in general Italians are not used to/don't appreciate spicey food. I remember my first Thai experience, a little dive on my college campus that offered an array of spice jars (with garlic/chili paste, fish sauce, a sort-of mango pickle, etc.) You could kick your own dish up a couple notches in you wanted. Great.

3:15 PM  
Blogger Lotus Reads said...

When we were growing up, my mom would buy three kinds of mangoes: Alphonsoes, were always eaten by hand (atleast in our house); we savored the sweet,juicy pulp often sucking the pit until it was dry. We were sticky and messy when we were done but it was all so worth it (and no, you definitely can't do that in company) :)

The other type (don't remember the name now) she used in salads and finally, she bought a special small green variety that she would use in a curry with shrimp.

12:12 AM  
Blogger Susan in Italy said...

Ooh, yum. Did the Alphonsoes look and taste anything like mangoes you gat in Canada? In the States, I only remember two kinds, the "regular" mango from Mexico and the "champagne" mango or "Manila" mango from The Philippines. The main difference was that the Manila one had way fewer strings.

12:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto on the mangos...I bought one at a fruit/veg vendor next to Da Claudio's Sushi Bar in Milan and paid 6 euros! Never again I say!!!

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You had me at coconut. Besides chocolate it is my most favourite thing in the world.

Great idea for using leftover coconut milk!

7:28 AM  
Blogger Susan in Italy said...

Rowena, And was it not even good? 'Cause at this point if I could buy a good mango here I'd spend 6 bucks.

Ivonne, Thanks! Your English dessert looks decadent.

7:19 PM  
Blogger Lotus Reads said...

No, Susan, sadly I have never eaten a mango that could compare favorably with the Alphonso. Fortunately, our Indian store does import them, but charges a lot (too much) for the privilege! :(

12:53 PM  
Blogger archana said...

I might even be able to make this today. This is very surprisingly simple for a Thai dish. Thanks for posting the recipe

2:21 AM  

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